
After a lot of procrastination and trying to put priorities in place, I’ve decided to launch my startup. Clean Efficiency (www.clean-efficiency.com), as the name hopefully suggests, is focused on helping clients achieve economic success without the attendant negative impacts on the environment they operate in or the global ecosystem as a whole. This is not just about the business-side, however.

The social aspect of sustainability is where it derives its greatest strength. By and large, change usually occurs because it becomes politik. This has been slow to occur in industry because although the ‘green lobby’ is in full force, they don’t always have a balanced (read, practical) approach to dealing with the issues of both large and small energy consumers who need solutions. This is the gap that Clean Efficiency hopes to fill.

This blog – and the twitter account @cleanefficiency – will act as the social heartbeat of this initiative. I will endeavor to post ideas, articles and op-ed pieces that align industry with sustainability while allowing the reader to form an unbiased opinion.


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