
Decarbonization Pathways for Ontario

CE Energy Insight – October 2020

Clean Efficiency recently partnered with the Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) Mississauga chapter to present a panel-style webinar. The topic was Decarbonization Pathways for Ontario. The event brought together diverse energy experts to discuss the future of clean energy in Canada’s most populous province.

The event was well attended, with over 60 PEO members tuning in. Clean Efficiency founder, Nnaziri Ihejirika, moderated the discussion on decarbonization pathways for Ontario. In addition to Nnaziri, Jim Sarvinis, Managing Director of Hatch Power was a panelist. The panel also included Xavier Gordon, President of Xergy Energy and Paul Acchione, nuclear energy expert and former President of the Ontario Society for Professional Engineers (OSPE).


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